Ministers of Communion

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, are laypeople who serve the parish in two primary ways: first, as distributors of Holy Communion when the congregation at a Mass is sufficiently large and there aren’t other priests to assist the celebrant, and second, to bring Holy Communion to a few of the many parishioners who are home-bound due to age or illness, which would be impossible for the pastor to do on a weekly basis himself.

This ministry is called extraordinary because bishops, priests and deacons, by ordination, are the ordinary ministers of the Eucharist. Yet the role of the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion is very important in that they offer the Body and Blood of Our Lord to those who would otherwise be unable to receive it.

Ministers of Holy Communion receive special training and preparation in order to fulfill their role with knowledge and reverence and are commissioned to serve in this capacity by the pastor.

Want to know more about this ministry? Visit our Staff / Contact page.

Lectors / Altar Servers

Lectors or Readers serve as ministers of the Word of God. Readers proclaim the readings from Sacred Scripture, with the exception of the Gospel. A reader may also announce the intentions for the Prayer of the Faithful and, if not sung, proclaim the Psalm between the readings.

Readers prayerfully prepare for this ministry by reading the assigned scriptural passages before arriving at Mass, seeking to understand the meaning and importance of the readings to be shared aloud with the parish community. Readers are scheduled to serve at Masses convenient to their schedule, usually at least once per month.

Training is available for those interested in participating as Lectors/ Readers. Please contact the office.

Want to know more about Lectors in the Catholic Church? Visit our Staff / Contact page.

Altar Servers – Boys & Girls from 3rd grade upwards who assist the Pastor during masses. Training is done periodically by Deacon Maurice Ouellette.

St. Vincent de Paul

The Society of St. Vincent De Paul is a worldwide Christian community founded in Paris in 1833 by a group of young Catholic lay people. The Society’s purpose is to serve Christ by seeking and finding the needy and forgotten. Vincentians serve the poor with friendship, trust and profound respect. They do not judge those whom they serve; they seek to understand and help.

We at St. Lawrence Martyr are very fortunate to have a viable group of hardworking members. We are, at all times, striving to help those in need.

The St. Lawrence Martyr Chapter of St. Vincent De Paul provides assistance with rent, utilities and general support for our fellow parishioners and others in need. We feel that this is God’s work and are privileged to be of service to our brothers and sisters in His name!

In the past year, we have established a can and bottle drive to assist in supporting the outreach of St. Vincent DePaul. Parishioners and members of the community can help to support the work of St. Vincent De Paul by saving their empty, clean, cans and bottles which are eligible for redemption, then depositing them in the collection containers at the rear of the church.

Should you know someone in need of St. Vincent De Paul services, or if you are interested in becoming a member, please contact Joe Langlois at the St. Lawrence Martyr Rectory Office.

Ladies Guild

The WCCC Ladies’ Guild is comprised of the combined previously existing Ladies’ Guilds of the three WCCC parishes. These groups were each formed to gather women in a social forum to worship, share ideas, help the Church grow and have fun and the present group continues those efforts. The group sponsors a variety of fundraisers to help our Parish and our community.

Presently, there are about 85 members.

Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month at 6:00 pm, except in January, July and August. Meetings are spiritual, social, educational and entertaining.

Notice of meeting are printed in the parish bulletin a week prior to meeting. Please feel free to join us at a meeting and be assured of a warm welcome to this faith filled and fun loving ministry.

Dues for membership are $10.00 yearly. Any woman, 18 or older, may join.

You will benefit spiritually and get a feeling of belonging to a group that shares your beliefs and love for Christ. For more information, visit our Staff / Contact page.

Youth Group

Our Mission: To Live the Gospel and the light of Christ shine through our youth, leading by example and having fun in all we do!

For more information please contact Youth Group Adviser- Eileen Frasier (Visit our Staff / Contact page)


Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers for this important ministries are always needed!

If you are interested in serving the parish community in this way, please contact Fr. Mike (Visit our Staff / Contact page).

  • Greeters – Fifteen minutes prior to mass greeting people as they enter and offering a parish bulletin
  • Choir – Involves attending a rehearsal 45 minutes prior to 11 Am Mass and singing at the Mass.
  • Gardening – This group tends to the church gardens during the spring, Summer and Autumn. keeps our grounds beautiful
  • Altar Linen – Washing and ironing altar linens
  • Parish Council – a consultative body that assist the pastor in shepherding the parish – meets monthly
  • Finance Council – a consultative body that assist the pastor in financial matters -meets quarterly

Visit our Staff / Contact page if your interested in joining or for any questions.