Weekly Bulletin
Our current weekly bulletin, and back copies, which contain a wealth of essential information for parishioners as well as visitors can be found HERE (external link)
Our YouTube page is another excellent source of useful information for parishioners and visitors and can be found HERE (external link)
Safe Environment
Information to aid in the continuing commitment within our community to providing a Safe Environment for children can be found HERE (external link).
Mass Schedule
Holy Name of the Sacred Heart of Jesus: Saturday 4:00 PM; Sunday 7:30 AM, 10:00 AM; Monday - Thursday 8:00 AM; with Reconciliation Saturday 3:15 PM
St. Lawrence Martyr: Sunday 11:30 AM
St. Francis of Assisi: Sunday 9:00 AM
There will be no daily Mass on Tuesday February 4th. Fr. Mike has jury duty that day.
Holy Name of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. Lawrence Martyr are handicap accessible. Live-streaming is available from Holy Name and St. Lawrence .
Information on Mass Intentions, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, and Altar Servers can be found in the Bulletin.
Faith Formation Welcome! Registration for 2024-25 is now available. See the WCCC Religious Education page for more information.
Please keep all of our students in your prayers as they begin their faith journey together. Have a wonderful and blessed week. Please see the latest Bulletin , the WCCC Facebook page and as well as Fr. Mike's Facebook page for the most up to date activities and information.
“Renew the Face of the Earth” The 83rd Annual Catholic Appeal begins May 1st. Learn more about the good works supported by gifts to the Catholic Appeal and how you can contribute to this important effort here. Read Fr. Mike's letter here.
Food Pantry The Pantry will be open on Friday January 31st from 8:30 to 11:30 AM. Also, we pack bags of food one day a week and we have our food delivery on two Tuesdays each month. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please call Kathy or George Boucher at 508 991-1042. For additional Pantry schedule information call (774) 322-1444.
The Food Pantry is located in the Rectory basement of St. Lawrence Church at 110 Summer St. Parking is available in the St. Lawrence Church parking lot.
If you know someone in need of food please tell them about our Food Pantry.
For our Seniors who can’t make it to the Food Pantry you can learn about Meals on Wheels by calling Coastline Elderly at 508 999-6400.
Please see the latest Bulletin for the most up to date schedule and latest information about Food Pantry support needs.
If you can’t feed a hundred people, Then just feed one. ~St. Teresa of Calcutta
Everyone is invited to the Donuts and Coffee Social following the 10:00 AM Mass of Remembrance on Sunday, January 26th, 2025. Homemade soups and stuffed cabbage (take home) will also be available for purchase that day.
St. Teresa of Calcutta School Open House YOU’RE INVITED! Come learn more about St. Teresa of Calcutta School!! New and Prospective families, join us for our Open House on Sunday, January 26th, from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM! Meet our current families, students, faculty and staff while exploring our AMAZING school. We can’t wait to meet you! We invite you to join our school family! Our school family begins with 3 yr old pre school thru Gr8!
We are now collecting cans of soup for our SOUP-A-BOWL SUNDAY on February 9th. Let’s see how many cans of soup we can collect this year to help keep our neighbors warm over the winter months. Also, we ALWAYS need children’s cereals.
Registration is now open at St. Teresa of Calcutta School! PK-Grade 8 if you are looking to join our school family please visit our website at for information on how to register today!
Financial Aid is available through FACE. You can start the application here:
Please call us with any questions (508)996-0534.
Note: The most complete information on activities and events can best be found in the Weekly Bulletin, on the WCCC Facebook page , on Fr. Mike's Facebook page , and of course from announcements at Mass.