Staff / Contact

Collaborative Staff

Coordinators of Faith Formation

Location Holy Name Parish Center 121 Mt. Pleasant Street

  • Mrs. Eileen Frasier - Coordinator of Grade 1-7 Faith Formation (774)-202-5758
  • Ted Machado - Confirmation Coordinator (774)-202-5758
  • Grade Teachers
    Gr 1 - Hannah Pittsley
    Gr 2 - Maddie Fiano Aides - Isabella Guedes & Avali Vieira
    Gr 3 - Ted Machado
    Gr 4 - Madeleine Monteiro
    Gr 5 - Rachel Monteiro-Tabares
    Gr 6 - Rosie Byrnes
    Gr 7 - Catarina Morrissette
    Con 1 - Dorothy Dean
    Con 2 - Jill Fernandes     Aide - Ryleigh Melo

Music Directors

  • Denise Weaver - Music Director Holy Name of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
  • Kara McEachern - Music Director St. Francis
  • Fran Gorman - Music Director St. Lawrence


St. Vincent de Paul

Ladies' Guild

Food Pantry

  • Information Line for Pantry Schedule (774) 322-1444
  • Kathy & George Boucher (508) 991-1042

Need more?

For specific information about each church please consult the latest Bulletin.